An interview with...Emily B Baggers


Another inspiring rider in the club, Emily B Baggers shares her deepest shareable thoughts. Read more and get to know your fellow club riders...

Written by: Michelle Lee

Emily B Baggers

If you could have one super power, what would it be?

If this was a major league power it would be to point my finger and line everywhere with forests and insects…but if it was just for me and my bike, I’d like us to be impervious to the weather as though under a perfect warm umbrella at all times.

What has been your guilty pleasure during lockdown?

Photoshop, pens, watercolours, maps, springwatch, red wine…still don’t seem to find enough time though.

Why, when and how did you get into cycling?

I’ve always cycled since I can remember, my mum said the second they gave me a bike we didn’t part, except at bed times I’m sure…although I did spend most of my ‘room renting’ life with my bike in the bedroom with me (safest place for it!). I joined my first club almost 15 years ago and wish I’d known about clubs when I was younger, but pre-internet if it wasn’t in the yellow pages, who knew.

Who is your greatest sporting idol and why?

Crumbs…that’s hard!! Bartali, Hainault, Lemond, Katie Compton, Van de Poel, Billy Jean King, Sharon Laws, …but, I’d have to say Marianna Vos, her palmares, her cool, her come back and if cyclists doing it all, xc, cx, road are my favourites, then she’s one of the first in the modern era. On top of that, her work to improve grass roots to pro-cycling for her fellow cyclist is impressive.

What is your worst habit that you can share?

Don’t have none…I’m class me. Oh ok, nice pint of pub served ale or a bottle of red wine.

Here’s £10,000. What are you going to do with it?

Put up a nice rickety shed with a porch…even on a patch of land in far flung wales if the budget stretches that far.

What’s your greatest sporting achievement?

Got to podium with Sarah Storey, she’s a dude.

What achievement outside of sport are you most proud of?

I’m a graphic designer and there are those moments when you get back a bit of print that you’re really proud of. I also worked on a cycle shop project in London for Cycle PS, creating the branding, helping design the shop appearance, kit etc, dream job for me.

What food could you not live without?

Oats and bananas

Book or film?

Used to be a book, but I’d have to say film…tbh it’s youtube and skillshare mainly.

If you had a one way plane ticket, where would it take you?

The Alps with bike to ride back. Woohoo.

What’s your favourite coffee/cake stop when on your bike?

It was Peaslake stores, I’m still learning the local haunts, Symonds Yat rock is great for an English Breakfast.


