RDFCC Awards 2023


Every year, usually at the annual dinner, we present a selection of trophies for club related activities...

Written by: Matt Neale

RDFCC Awards Dinner 2023

Every year, usually at the annual dinner, we present a selection of trophies for club related activities. Some, such as the time trial trophies are based on a seasons effort whilst other may have a eclectic reason for presentation.

The Club Best All Rounder (CBAR) is awarded to those who ride our club time trials. Simply put each rider gains points for competing according to their position in the event. The person with the most points wins the CBAR overall. The riders are divided into three class if there are enough rider. Red are the fast ones, blue are the mid field and black represents the old, occasional, infirm, novice or any one else. The female classes this year were less well represented than usual and the class winner was up amongst the fastest times overall in most events.

Female CBAR Red - Claire Jackson
Male CBAR Red - Jon Mansell
Blue - Rob Newth
Black - Dale Reed

Claire Jackson

Anonymous Cup - Best CBAR overall Rob Newth
Vets CBAR - Rob Newth
U40 CBAR - Josh Hall

The Lindsay Venner trophy is awarded in memory of a longstanding club member. Riders are bound by non aero rules and the event is held on a hilly course.

Lindsay Venner Trophy - Chris Wills

Chris Wills

The hill climb championship runs withing the time trial season over, this year, three hills.

Male Senior Hill climb - Chris Wills
Male Vet Hill climb - Rob Newth

The rest of the awards are a mixed bag. Most of them require the riders to put themselves forward and say what they have done each year as we cannot keep track on everything people are doing. The junior rider award goes to the youngster who has performed to the highest standard in the year. Audax awards go to the club member who has collected the most Audax UK points over the year.

Junior TT – Zach Rusling
Track rider of the year - Zach Rusling
Most improved rider - Zach Rusling
Presidents Cup, Best U40 in VT - Zach Rusling
Best Vet in VT - Jon Mansell
Audax Points rider - Jon Batts
Audax AAA rider - Jon Batts

Dinner Atmosphere

The Ross and District CC award goes to the Ross club member who has collected the most points in our club times trials. This year MTB rider and Cyclo cross rider went to people who had represented the club successfully throughout the year and in the case of CX encouraged a new batch of members to ride which may also lead to bigger and better things.

Best Ross and District CC member - Paul Stephens
MTB rider of the year - Michelle Forster
CX rider of the year - James Moverley

James Moverley

Finally, the club member of the year always goes to someone who has represented the club or worked hard in some way. Someone we can be proud of. This year’s winner is both one of our most ”original” members and also possibly the most successful on the world stage.

Brian Lewis. World Champion.

Brian Lewis


