Welcome from the Chairman


We like to think that the RDFCC is known as a friendly club and we are always pleased to see new faces. Our rides and events are publicised on the club website and our Facebook page where anyone is welcome to ask questions. You don't need to be a club member to join the page.

Written by: Matt Neale

Thumbnail of Astro arcs.

Most of our rides are at a sociable pace and we will not leave anyone behind. If you wish to join us on a ride and are unsure of what will happen get in touch with us and someone will be happy to help. If you feel the need for advice or reassurance about some element of your cycling please ask.

The best way to get involved is to come and meet us on either a club ride or at our monthly meeting. First Wednesday of every month at The Fountain Inn Parkend. Just ask at the bar and they will point us out if it’s not obvious.

Hope to see some new faces soon.

Matt Neale, RDFCC Chairman

